A routine part of health care, whether a regular checkup or an emergency, includes examining the body’s vital signs. The heart, lungs and circulatory system… Read more
Category: neuroscience
Exploring Molecular Biases to Develop Alzheimer’s Cures
In a study published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Amantha Thathiah, assistant professor of neurobiology at Pitt, applied… Read more
Parkinson’s-Related Gene Also Impacts Brain Cell Branching and Function
A protein called PINK1 promotes complex branching of neurons in mice, according to a new study that could explain why Parkinson’s disease patients with mutations… Read more
Scientists Discover Novel Mechanism that Causes Rare Brain Disease
A rare but potentially debilitating brain disorder finally has a definitive cause, thanks to research teams working on opposite sides of the globe. A mutation… Read more
Adolescent Impulse Control Could be Fueled by Dopamine
Have you ever wondered why teenagers push boundaries and take seemingly unnecessary risks? A new study from the University of Pittsburgh revealed that individual differences… Read more