Category: NOW

NOW – Episode 10

In the 10th installment of NOW, learn how a group of scientists from Pitt discover new parts of animal cells, how one hospital is turning a new page with a special partnership, and how Colton Underwood is bringing joy to UPMC Children’s Hospital.

NOW – Episode 9

In the ninth installment of NOW, get a glimpse into how one program is shaping a diverse set of future cardiologists, learn how a free health screening could save your life, and a certain special penguin provides heart hydration tips.

NOW – Episode 8

In the eighth installment of NOW, get an up-close look into a robot that will change the face of surgery forever, meet a Pittsburgh-born actor and part-time Dungeon Master who teaches kids how to escape through the power of imagination, and learn about a clinical trial working toward making every organ transplant a success.

NOW – Episode 7

The latest episode of NOW teaches us how to “Stop, Drop and Roll” at a Pittsburgh public school, showcases a cutting-edge vision restoration clinical trial,… Read more

NOW – Episode 6

In the sixth installment of NOW, we show you how one tweet and a passion for the Pittsburgh Penguins can save a life, gain helpful… Read more