In the 10th installment of NOW, learn how a group of scientists from Pitt discover new parts of animal cells, how one hospital is turning a new page with a special partnership, and how Colton Underwood is bringing joy to UPMC Children’s Hospital.
Category: Uncategorized
Who Runs the World? Girls on the Run
Registration for the spring 2019 program of Girls on the Run opens Jan. 16 for girls in third- through eighth-grade. Hosted by Girls on the… Read more
Egg-Free Influenza Vaccine to be the Norm at UPMC this Flu Season
The vast majority of the flu vaccines administered by UPMC clinicians to patients and employees will be egg-free this season, with the goal of providing… Read more
UPMC McKeesport Nurses Treat Patient like Family
Paul Glover, a 55-year-old Navy veteran, began experiencing what he thought was indigestion after an evening out with his girlfriend, Deanna. He figured he could… Read more
Ticks Suck, Lyme Bites: Preventing Lyme Disease
Pennsylvania has the highest number of confirmed cases of Lyme disease in the United States, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease… Read more