People may not be able to see their capes, but there are service superheroes at UPMC.
They are the winners of UPMC’s Award for Commitment and Excellence in Service for 2016 — a group of employees recognized for delivering life changing medicine each and every day.
This year, UPMC celebrated and honored 251 individuals and one team from across the health system whose outstanding achievements support UPMC’s values and commitment to putting patients, employees, health plan members and the community at the center of what they do.
Those honored included:
- A patient business services representative who doesn’t rest until her customers gets the financial assistance they need.
- An environmental services team member who accompanied a senior resident to surgery because she had no family to wait for her.
- A nurse who performed CPR and saved a life – on her wedding day.
- A health plan representative who advocated for a member and her family when they were almost out of options, getting her the treatment she desperately needed.
- A nutrition manager who investigated every menu item to help protect a patient with an unusual food allergy.
“These exceptional people embody the values that drive all that we do at UPMC,” said Greg Peaslee, executive vice president and chief administrative officer for UPMC. “Life changing ideas, innovative solutions, and, most of all, compassionate care start with them. Simply put, each of them, through their actions, make UPMC a better place to work.”
This year’s winners included:
UPMC Mercy Trauma Burn Unit (Team Award)
Lynette Adamczyk
Sitsofe Agbemenu
Tabitha Aghaebrahim
Shireen Agie
Michele Albaugh
Megan Albright
Hazem Salih Alsahlani
Michael Anselmi
Daniel Auld
Perry Barbee
Armanda Baker
Brenda Baldwin
Victoria Barnosky
Diane Lynn Battaglia
Theodore Beamer
Stacy Beck
Heidi Beecham
Grace Beere
Sue Bialo
Jodi Boory
Loren Bowman
Melissa Bowman
Theodore Bowser
Homer “Skip” Boykin
Alicia Brown
Jacob Brown
Cathy Bruce
Mary Beth Brush
Jennifer Bryan
Jodie Bryk, M.D.
Robin Bush
Melissa Cade
Lisa Cain
Kristin Callahan
Doug Cannin
Mary Beth Chappel
Suzanne Cisler
Charmaine Clawson
Colleen D. Cochenour
Mikell Colledge
Caitlyn Copp-Millward
Amy Corcoran
Mary Ellen Cowan
Jeffrey Cox
Brenda Coyne
Justin Craver
Lorna Cropcho
Madeline Cruz
Jolene D’Andrea
Stacey Davis
Frances DeBlasio
Kelsey Decort
Linda Despines
Sheila Digangi
Michelle Dodson
Velma Dorsey
Janice Dougherty
Summer Drummond
Kathi Duncan
Angela Durci
Markisha Edwards
Jennifer Eger
Dolores Elm
Cynthia Emminger
Sue Evanchak
Duane Fabian
Robyn Fabian
Ruth Fairchild
Kathleen Fanos, D.O.
Jessica Farabaugh
Dar Farneth
Ahmedi Fathima
Tiffany A. Fichter
Eden Fink
Daniel S. Fisher
Cindy Fochtman
Aimee J. Fogarty
Piper Foight
Aleesa Foltz
Michelle Foor
Alexa Foster
Adam Foust
Sherry Fragapane
Valerie Frawley
Norma Freed
Patricia Fustich
Noreen Gabriel
Michael Gallant
Renee Gallik
Stacie Owen Gamble
Darla Gates
Brandie George-Milford
Ann Giazzoni
Janet Gilmore
Kristie Glemba
Constance Marie Greco
Geraldine Grzybek
Rebeca Hadam
Diane Hake
Rebecca Hanni
David Hansen
Mary Harahus
Kristen Harman
Missy Haslett
Mary Ann Hatfield
Lisa Hilal
Tim Holman
Rebecca Hornezes
Connie Horsman
Donna Houck
Shelley Hudson
Marshall Hunt
Mimi Huston
Philip Iozzi, D.O.
Tammy Izzett
Grant Jackson
Andrew Jedd
Meghan Jones
Nancy Jones
Joyce Joseph
Christopher Kabo
Emily Kalanja
Daniel Keener
Laura Kinney
Melissa Kline
Marissa Koenig
Thomas Koloc
Hope Konkol
Mary Kosko
Ashley Kossler
Tim Kozek
Jaime Kriner
Diane Kwasniewski
John Lagnese, M.D.
Daniel M. Lapic
Sydney B. Lash
Nicole Lasure
Sandy Lawrence
Stefanie Lawrence
Kenneth Lee, M.D.
Ed Lewis
Mary Lynne Lewis
Britta Link
Dan Lob
Sue Long
Alyssa Lopus
Jo Lord
Ryan Loveland
Donna Ludwig
Kitty Luznar
Kayla Mahalchak
Lance Maloney
Charmaine Marshman
Alissa Martin
Jaime Martin
Michelle Martin
Philip McCormick
Kelly McCoy, M.D.
Robert McCutcheon
Monica McFarlane
Sue McPherson
Tiffany Merideth
Jennifer Milisits
Aaron Minjock
Lisa Minor
Susan Misencik
Lam Monkuor
Debra R. Montgomery
Brian Moore
Amy Nau
Karen Nigra
Mary O’Connell
Mary Orsi
Mary Beth Pasqualicchio
Secondina Pasquarelli
George “Matt” Paxinos
Theresa Pellegrino
Rachel Poerschke
Pamela Poremski
Chris Purcell
Marek Radomski, D.O.
Cleveland Rainey
Alisha Ravenstahl
deJeanna Rawlins
Sarah Robertson
Christopher Rosa
Hector Rosa
Sybil Rossi
Terri Rossman
Rozalyn Russell
Amanda Safko
Steven Sample
Janet Santucci
Christina Sargent
Lauren Saul
Timothy Savage
William Scalfari
Deborah Scanlon
Miranda Schilling
Alexandria Burnett Schneider
Kimberly Seanor
Diane Seery
Dennis Seth
Marcie Sexton
Cortney Seybert
Haylee Shacklock
Brittany Shaw
Margene Shaw
Penny Shomo
Donna Showalter
Domelle Silhanek
Saul Silver, M.D.
Dana Singer
Sharon Skalos
Lindsey Smithley
Barbara Smolnik
Terry Snyder
Ellen Speranzo
Blayze Stefaniak
Sherry Stephan
Mary Stoyer
Julie Stroyne (Nixon)
Mary Tedesco
Darshit Thakrar, M.D.
Caitlin Thomas
Deanne Thomas
Marlena Thomas
June Thompson
Michael Tracy Jr.
Dennis Truckley
Lori Turner
Joyce Ulery
Jeanette Valentine
Jan VanHorenbeck
Sharon Lee Vlha
Erin Vybiral
Ray Walter
Chris Ward
Nicole Wasilko
Linda Weaver
Robin L. Whaley
Dennis Willaman
Aaron Williams
Della Williams
Joseph Willis
Laurie Wilson
Eileen Yoho
Cecilia Zamarripa
Sara Zebrowski
Janice Zillman
Catherine Zimmerman